This Privacy Policy applies to
The website recognises the importance of shielding and respecting your privacy. we tend to appreciate your trust in us. This Policy document outlines the personal information we tend to collect on and different offline sources and the way it is used. is that the property of Air-Temp Services (India)
Your personal info we tend to collect from guests that visit our weblog, web site or app?
While exploring our web site, as applicable, you may be prompted to enter your name, email address and different details to help you along with your shopping for guide.

Use of your personal info
Ø To assist you along with your shopping for the expertise of the merchandise you’re most interested
Ø To email you with our news report
Ø For effective communication
Ø To inform regarding the most recent addition to our website
Ø To collect web site review

Do we use ‘cookies’?
Yes. Cookies are tiny files that a website or its service provider transfers to your computer’s disk drive through your browser. If you allow, that enables the site’s or service provider’s systems to acknowledge your browser and capture and remember certain information.

We use cookies to:
Process the items in the shopping cart
perceive your preferences supported earlier or current website activity
to supply you with improved services.
Understand and save user’s preferences for future visits.
Memorize the users who have unbolted access to premium content.
If you disable cookies off, some options are going to be disabled. it will influence the user’s ability and a few of our services will not work properly

Sharing of private info with third parties
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to 3rd parties your personal information without not your consent. This does not embody our net hosting partners and different agencies coupled with our web site. we tend to unharness your info once it is applicable by law. but non-personal info could also be used for promoting, advertising or different use.

Third-party sites
If you click on one amongst the links to 3rd party websites, you will be taken to sites we do not manage. This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of these websites. browse the privacy policy of different websites rigorously. 

If you have got any questions about this Policy or different privacy considerations, you’ll conjointly email at to the current policy

If you select to go to the web site, your visit and any dispute over privacy are subject to the current Policy and also the website’s terms of use. additionally, to the preceding, any disputes arising underneath this Policy shall be ruled by Mumbai (India) Jurisdiction