How to Convert Normal AC to Smart AC with Steps for Setup

Transforming your normal AC into a smart AC is like upgrading from a basic flip phone to a modern smartphone, adding advanced features and capabilities.

Transform your ordinary AC unit into a smart and efficient cooling system with these easy steps! 🌬️💡 Discover how to convert normal AC to smart AC this this  climate control technology and enjoy the convenience of controlling your AC from anywhere. #SmartHome #ACUpgrade #TechSavvy

How to Convert Normal AC to Smart AC: Summer has arrived, bringing with it the inevitable warm weather, which may be a bit warmer than some would prefer. Many individuals are likely currently in the process of acquiring new air conditioning units, fans, and coolers for their residences if they do not already have them.

Modern air conditioners are no longer just simple plug-and-play devices. In recent times, air conditioners, like televisions and refrigerators, have also embraced the trend of being “smart.”

If you are in the market for a new air conditioner or have recently made a purchase, there is a high probability that you have opted for a smart air conditioner. Acquiring and installing a smart air conditioner is only the first part of the process. The subsequent step involves configuring it.

Fortunately, we are here to assist you with a brief and straightforward step-by-step tutorial on how to accomplish this task on “How to Convert Normal AC to Smart AC.”

Understanding Smart AC Systems

Before we get into the conversion process, we must first be aware of what a smart AC unit is. “A smart AC, also known as an internet-connected or Wi-Fi-enabled AC, is an air conditioner operated remotely via smartphones or other smart devices.”

It connects to the home’s WiFi network, allowing you to change settings and monitor your energy consumption from anywhere with internet access.

Convert normal AC to smart ac in 5 steps

Step 1: Check Compatibility

The first step in converting your normal AC to a smart AC is to check its compatibility with smart technology. Not all air conditioners can be smart-enabled, so ensuring your unit is compatible is vital before proceeding. Check the manufacturer’s website or consult the user manual to determine if your AC model supports smart features. If it does, you’re set to go to the next step.

Step 2: Choose the Right Smart AC Controller

To make your existing AC smart, you will need to invest in a smart AC controller. Several options are available on the market, ranging from simple plug-in devices to more advanced controllers with additional features. Some popular smart AC controllers in India include Sensibo Sky, Nest Thermostat, and AZIOT IR Blaster. Researching and choosing a controller that best suits your needs and budget and is compatible with your AC model is essential.

Sensibo Sky

Nest Thermostat

AZIOT IR Blaster

Step 3: Install the Smart AC Controller

Once you have chosen the right smart AC controller, it’s time to install it. The installation process may vary depending on your selected controller, so it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Typically, you’ll need to connect the controller to your AC unit either via an infrared (IR) blaster or by directly wiring it to the AC’s circuit board. If you’re uncomfortable with DIY installations, hiring a professional is recommended to ensure proper setup and avoid any potential damage.

Step 4: Download and Set Up the App

Upon successfully installing the smart AC controller, download the associated app onto your smartphone or tablet. Most smart AC controllers are equipped with specific apps that enable remote control and monitoring of your AC unit.

Please adhere to the app’s guidelines for creating an account, connecting the controller to your home’s Wi-Fi network, and pairing it with the AC unit. Upon completing these steps, you will be able to remotely adjust your AC’s temperature, establish schedules, and utilize other intelligent features via the app.

Step 5: Explore Smart AC Features

Now that your AC is smart-enabled, it’s time to explore its great features and benefits. Here are several important aspects to make use of:

Remote Control

The intelligent air conditioning application enables you to manage your AC unit remotely. Whether at the office or on a holiday, you can easily activate or deactivate the AC, modify the temperature, and establish various modes to guarantee that your residence is at an optimal temperature upon your return.

Energy Monitoring and Savings

Smart AC systems provide real-time energy consumption data, allowing you to track and optimize your AC usage. You can set 

  • Energy-saving modes
  • Receive energy usage reports
  • Make informed decisions to reduce energy waste
  • Save on electricity bills.

Smart Integrations

Many smart AC controllers integrate with popular smart home platforms like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. It means you can control your AC using voice commands or automate it to work harmoniously with other home smart devices.


Geofencing is a functionality that utilizes your smartphone’s location to detect your departure from or arrival at home. When this feature is activated, your intelligent air conditioning system can autonomously regulate the temperature according to your proximity, guaranteeing comfort and energy conservation.

Conclusion: How to Convert Normal AC to Smart AC

In conclusion, the advancement of technology has made it possible to transform traditional appliances into smarter, more efficient versions. Converting a normal AC to a smart AC offers numerous benefits, including energy savings, remote control capabilities, and improved convenience.

With the availability of user-friendly smart home devices and easy installation processes, this upgrade is now within reach for many homeowners.

By following the steps outlined in this article on How to Convert Normal AC to Smart AC, individuals can take advantage of the latest innovations in home climate control. Embracing this transformation not only enhances lifestyle but also contributes to sustainability efforts by reducing energy consumption. Upgrade your AC today and experience the seamless integration of smart technology into your everyday life.